Class Dojo’s
Room 10 and Room 11’s
Positive Behaviour Reward System
Room 10 and Room 11 are using Class Dojo’s to reward those people
who make the right choices.
Creating art works during reward time |
The photos are of people who have achieved their target and are using their reward time
We can do these things in our reward time
- use the scooters/trolleys/peddle boards
- use the art kit
- play in the sandpit
- use the computers for Minecraft or other teacher approved activities.
- use sports equipment
- read
Using the sports equipment |
How do you Get
You can
get points for doing the following things (there are many more things people can
do under each heading, but these are just a sample)
- use your problem solving skills
- show reflection on yours and others learning
- able to ask and respond to questions
Creating in Minecraft |
Relating to Others
- show respect towards others
- helping someone who needs help
- making positive comments to others
Understanding Language Symbols and
- completing a blog entry
- using the computer appropriately during literacy and
numeracy time
- completing independent literacy activities
- completing independent maths activities
Using scooters and trolleys |
Managing Self
- completing and handing in reading logs
- completing and handing in poetry books
- showing A1 Standards
- being ready for and carrying out silent reading
- having learning equipment ready
- being in class on time
Participating and Contributing
- show positive leadership
- take turns
- complete buddy activities positively