Monday, July 2, 2018

OWL Parent, pupil and teacher conferences ...

These were on this term and we were really lucky in Room 10 as most of our parents came and shared our learning with us.  Mrs Low took some photos of us with our families which was nice and we will put these on our own blogs to help remind us that we are all in a partnership.  Here are some of our families celebrating our learning :)

We made toast ...

For our procedural writing we made toast - it was quite hilarious as we figured out pretty quickly that we needed to give Mrs Low clear details as to how this was going to be happen and be successful -  who knew that you put 'toast' in the toaster, butter on the toast (a whole container is not needed :) We also learnt that things need to be done in order if they are to happen the way we wanted them too.

 We made sandwiches and milo too and they were also excellent learning experiences for us and from doing these we have established that using language such as first, next, then and finally help us all keep track of what we are doing - it also allows others to be successful if they are following them.

Owl McOwl recipients Term Two

Many of us have been lucky enough to have been given Owl McOwl for our excellent efforts in the classroom.  We have been selected because we have:
- managed ourselves
- been ontask
- practiced being kind
- worked on minding our own beeswax
- using TRUMP.
Can you spot your child amongst these, we hope so :)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Owl McOwl recipients from Week One, Term Two

Amiria was our person on Tuesday and she then gave Owl McOwl to Tane for Wednesday because Tane  had been managing himself and making sure he thought about who he was sitting by.

Tane then awarded Owl McOwl to Liam because he felt that Liam was managing himself as he was listening to myself and his classmates extremely well.

And then once Liam has enjoyed having Owl McOwl for the day at the end of his reign he proceeded to give Owl McOwl to Ruby for managing herself as Ruby is a star learner who always tries her best and finishes all of her work on time.

What a great first week back we had.  The children were all really settled and have come back rested and raring to go.  I am looking forward to seeing how well they now achieve their goals that we will be sharing with you at our conferences over the next few weeks.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Owl McOwl day two

Ashley chose Amiria to receive Owl McOwl because she felt Amiria has worked really hard and had also been managing herself which is one of our TRUMP areas that we are focussing on.

Well done Amiria, what a great start to the term - you are a star!

Owl McOwl is back with us

Welcome to Term Two.
I hope that you had a great break with your families and enjoyed your special time together.

We are back into it and again we will be giving out Owl McOwl to one student who is practising and using TRUMP.

Today I chose Ashley as she was working hard, supporting her peers and on task all of the time - excellent start to the term Ash :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Miles with lots of smiles teaches us Basketball

All of Westend School has been learning how to play Basketball with Miles (who has miles of smiles) and we have been having a blast.  He has a neat sense of humour and is always making us laugh.  He is also very good at Basketball and has noticed that some of us have a natural talent for the game.  When he gives us instructions he does it in a funny way so that we really need to listen and pay attention which is teaching us another skill.  We are getting better and better each week and are learning so much about the game as well as ourselves and our own physical abilities.  

Look what Bronwyn painted for us ...

When Bronwyn came back to Westend School to work with Room 11 she brought us a present - she had painted a special Room 10 rock with Owl McOwl on it - we were so amazed and impressed with her painting skills since she only painted Owl McOwl from memory.  We now have our own special Palmy rock and next term we are going to see how far it travels - wish us luck.